Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) cordially invites you to a conference on: “Manuscripts East and West – Towards Comparative and General Codicology. A Conference in Honour of Malachi Beit-Arié” *17 – 19 October 2017* CSMC, Warburgstraße 26 20354 Hamburg Room 0001. www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/register_beitarie2017.html
“Griechische Paläographie, Handschriftenkunde und Editionswissenschaft”
25-29.IX.2017: Griechische Paläographie, Handschriftenkunde und Editionswissenschaft. Internationale Sommerschule (Berlin, Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften). www.bbaw.de/veranstaltungen/2012/september/sommerschule_altewelt
“The Physiologus between East and West”
*15-17.VI.2017**: **The Physiologus between East and West. Transmission and dissemination of an early Christian text on nature**. *An international conference (*Paris,* Université de la Sorbonne – Maison de la Recherche*). * *https://colloquephysiologus2017.wordpress.com/ *
“Ancient Manuscripts from St. Catherine’s Monastery Available Online”
Ancient Manuscripts from St. Catherine’s Monastery Available Online www.loc.gov/collections/manuscripts-in-st-catherines-monastery-mount-sinai/about-this-collection/
“The Greek manuscripts of Magdalen College”
Oxford, University of Oxford, Magdalen College Library 8.II. – 16.V.2017: The Greek manuscripts of Magdalen College. – www.magd.ox.ac.uk/libraries-and-archives/news/greek-manuscripts-exhibition/
“Summer School on Greek Palaeography and Byzantine Epigraphy”
3-8 July 2017, Patmos, Greece: “*Summer School on Greek Palaeography and Byzantine Epigraphy*” (organized by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation) www.eie.gr/nhrf/educational_activities/2017_palaeography/NHRF_ SummerSchools2017_Palaeography-en.html (application deadline 26 April 2017) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Pasquale Orsini – Via Renato Simoni, nr. 60 (scala E, int. 19) 00157 – Roma – Via Vitto-Massei, 2 67034 – Pettorano sul Gizio (AQ) pasorsini@gmail.com
“Third Summer School on Trends in Manuscript Studies”
26-30 June 2017, Cassino, Italy: “*Third Summer School on Trends in Manuscript Studies*” (organized by Laboratorio LIBeR. Libro e ricerca of the University of Cassino, in cooperation with the Abbey of Montecassino) www3.laboratori.unicas.it/Libro-e-ricerca/SummerSchool
Byzantium. A world of changes
22-27.VIII.2016: Byzantium. A world of changes. 23rd international congress of Byzantine studies (Belgrade). – byz2016.rs/
Greek manuscripts and images. The future of editions
2.II.2016: Greek manuscripts and images. The future of editions (Roma, British School at Rome). www.bsr.ac.uk/greek-manuscripts-and-images-the-future-of-editions
Cataloguing Greek manuscript: past, present, and future
*18-19.I.2016: Cataloguing Greek manuscript: past, present, and future (Venezia, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia)* locandina_Greekmss.pdf